I have just returned from a very successful and rewarding trip to London, and am ready to infuse some new ideas into our offering for American men. There is no doubt we could take some pages from the Brits when it comes to dressing to impress. My time in London was spent with some of London's top tailoring professionals, and has inspired me to bring a few elements of classic sleek refinement we could all stand to embrace a bit more.
Today, some tailors are still influenced by the Italian 1990's style made popular by Armani, Versace, Canali and others. The older style suits can be very comfortable to wear, but in the end not really flattering. The bigger and more roomy style can make a big man look bigger; can make a smaller or average size man look swallowed up in his suit; or give any man the look of being able to carry spare luggage in his drawers.
If you have a suit made today, we hope you'll allow us to introduce the new American style - modern, sleek, fitted and comfortable. The updated suit jacket or sport coat has a small and natural shoulder, capped or roped slightly, nothing exaggerated. The prevalent style is a bit more trim in the chest and back with a nice easy fitting and higher armhole with trimmer lapels. A higher gorge and notch and the capped shoulder finish the top of the frame. Below the waist, a more natural and slightly less baggy, less high waisted pant finish off the look. A single pleat or flat front style are the way to design these, with a slight break riding nicely atop the shoe. Our pants will have a slightly shorter rise with a generous waist and and seat, and a little less volume behind the upper legs. We are also incorporating new linings and trims, making the experience of custom clothing even more fun and interesting. Try a new summer suit, we have a great special on a custom poplin suit you might want to try. As always we look forward to helping you get in the big doors and look the part!!