Monday, February 23, 2009

Invest in You

In times like these how do you know what to invest in? In my opinion an investment you can always count on is an investment in yourself. While it is true that most people are only spending money on necessities, it is also true that investing money in yourself and your future is always a good decision.

A nice suit of clothes is a tool if you will to increase a man’s self confidence, open doors and establish themselves in just the right way in the eyes of those with whom he does business. Tough times require more resolve, more effort, more sales calls, and every advantage a man can find. Any opportunity to stack the deck in our own favor must be considered. Having new clothes makes a man feel better, even if just a few new ways to wear what he already has. It takes a man from “same old - same old”, to fresh new and interesting. New clothes bring compliments, and compliments add to self confidence. Other than additional education, what better way to invest in oneself than to buy a new suit of clothes?

By Alan M. Vinson